Pre-Publishing Services

transcription and ghostwriting services

Transcription Service

Our transcription service is charged per hour of digitally recorded audio. Audio recordings up to one hour are billed as 1-hour audio, even if it is a 30-minute audio. Audio recordings longer than one hour is billed per additional hour thereafter and a 50% additional charge over the 1-hour rate. Thus, a 2 1/2 hour audio is regarded as a 3-hour audio and will cost N80,000 (billed as N20,000 + N30,000 + N30,000).

If you have two separate 1-hour audios, select the "Up to 1 Hour" option and then select "Quantity" as 2; if you have one 2-hour audio, select "Up to 2 Hours" and leave "Quantity" as 1; and so on. You will be able to send your audio after payment has been effected.

Please ensure that your audio is clear and converted to mp3 format before sending.

Ghostwriting Service

Ghostwriting is charged per word of the transcribed audio/manuscript at N12.50 per word. The minimum number of words acceptable is 2,000 words. For less than 2,000 words, you would be billed at the same rate as for 2,000 words.

When making your selection, please indicate the number of words you want your work to be to the nearest hundred. For 2,000 words or less, please select "2000" for QUANTITY, the minimum number of words.